Representing Australia's Downstream Petroleum Industry

Pump Prices (Retail)

Retail Data

Calendar and financial year average retail data for Petrol and Diesel is available for download as an Excel spreadsheet:

AIP Annual Retail Price Data.xls

Please use the following links to see average weekly retail (pump) prices for unleaded petrol and diesel across Australia.

Calendar and financial year average retail data for Petrol and Diesel is available for download as an Excel spreadsheet:

  • AIP Annual Retail Price Data.xls

For facts about Australian fuel prices, including retail prices, please go to:

For more information on retail prices and for historical data, please contact the AIP at

For monthly charts which have been prepared by ORIMA Research Pty Ltd on behalf of the Australian Institute of Petroleum, please go to:

  • Monthly charts of unleaded petrol pump prices

For other sources of information about retail prices see: