Representing Australia's Downstream Petroleum Industry

Average Weekly Retail Prices for Diesel Fuel

This site has been prepared by ORIMA Research Pty Ltd on behalf of the Australian Institute of Petroleum.

The site contains tables summarising the average weekly retail price for petrol (ULP) at 174 metropolitan and regional locations across Australia (where prices are available), based on market data supplied by MotorMouth (see AIP's published retail petrol prices have been based on MotorMouth market data since 24 October 2011.

The tables for each State and Territory can be accessed through the navigation bars located at the top of each page.

The site also contains charts showing recent movements in the average weekly retail price for each location. These charts can be accessed directly from the price data table by clicking on the location name, or through the 'Charts' links at the top and bottom of each page. The chart below shows the movements in the National Average retail diesel fuel price over the past 12 weeks.

To see information on the latest wholesale prices for petrol (ULP), please go to the Terminal Gate Prices page on this website.