Representing Australia's Downstream Petroleum Industry


1. Our Commitment

The Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) is committed to protecting your privacy and will treat all personal information provided to it in accordance with the National Principles for the fair handling of personal information, pursuant to the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000.

The statement that follows explains how the AIP collects, uses, discloses and protects the information we collect from you.

2. Collection of Information

AIP may collect personal information from you through hardcopy forms or through forms provided by AIP's web site.

AIP will only collect and store that information which it reasonably requires to do business with you or which is necessary:

  • for its functions or activities including the administration of accreditation programs eg driver passport scheme;
  • to offer, provide and improve our services eg online ordering.

AIP will not collect or monitor any personal information about you without your consent nor will it use or disclose to others your personal details without prior authorisation unless it is:

  • to release information to relevant persons or authorities where we are required by law or following reasonable requests by Commonwealth or State Government authorities;
  • to offer, provide and improve our services eg online ordering.

Telephone: (02) 6247 3044

Fax: (02) 6247 3844
