Representing Australia's Downstream Petroleum Industry



A strategic review of AIP's activities, including AIP Training and Accreditation Programs, has been undertaken. After careful consideration, AIP assessed that the Programs are no longer relevant to the objectives of AIP. AIP will therefore be seeking alternative program providers over the course of 2009.

Until new arrangements are finalised, program operation and administration will continue in its current form. To help ensure a smooth transition, AIP will be encouraging the use of existing program networks and training providers under new arrangements. Stakeholders will be notified well in advance of any changes to program provision and arrangements via the AIP website and through direct correspondence where appropriate.

Workplace Clearance

On 16 May 2011, AIP ceased operation and management of the Workplace Clearance Program. From 17 May 2011, the Workplace Clearance Program transferred to a new joint venture specifically established for this purpose called the Workplace Clearance Group (WPCG). The WPCG comprises BP Australia Pty Ltd, Viva Energy Australia and Caltex Australia Limited. The WPCG joint venture assumed all responsibilities for the Workplace Clearance Program from this date.

The WPC program will continue in its present form for a period of approximately twelve months during which time the content and delivery method will be reviewed.

Optimum Compliance, the training company currently delivering the program, will continue to provide training and supply the form pads during the interim period. Fees and charges for the training and the use of the WPC form (both paper and electronic) will be revised during this time to reflect the cost of running the program, its review and subsequent upgrade. Existing AIP WPC forms can continue to be used during the interim period. New forms will also be available using the WPCG logo.

Regular enquiries regarding workplace clearance, plus any specific questions in relation to this transfer, should be directed to Tony Sexton, Optimum Compliance:

Telephone: 07 3899 3939


Additional information in relation to the new WPCG, plus regular bulletins and course training dates etc, can be found at the following site:

Web address:

The WPCG joint venture has confirmed to AIP that all current accreditation issued by AIP up to the date of transfer to the joint-venture will remain valid for the period of their currency.

Click on the link below for more information.

  • Final Letter Notification

Driver Accreditation Training (DAT) and Safe Load Pass (SLP)

On 31 August 2009, AIP ceased operation and management of the DAT and SLP Programs. From 1 September 2009, the DAT and SLP programs are now managed and run by a joint-venture specifically established for this purpose by refiner marketers, and named the 'Safe Load Program'. The 'Safe Load Program' joint-venture has assumed all responsibilities for the DAT and SLP programs from this date.

The operator of the new Safe Load Program can be contacted at:

Telephone: (02) 9250 5494

Fax: (02) 8870 1716


Web Address:

The 'Safe Load Program' joint-venture has confirmed to AIP that all commitments for calendar year 2009 made by AIP to DAT trainers will be honoured, and all passports issued by AIP up to the date of transfer to the joint-venture will remain valid for the period of their currency.


AIP previously developed, provided and maintained a number of industry publications, codes of practice and guidelines. Over the period since 2007, these publications were progressively withdrawn from publication and sale, in consultation with major users and stakeholders including Standards Australia. AIP is no longer providing, maintaining or updating these publications for general use or sale. AIP accepts no responsibility or liability for the use of publications after the withdrawal date.

For a list of withdrawn AIP Publications (including Codes of Practice and Guidelines), please go to:

  • Withdrawn AIP Publications

This list includes, where possible, suggested alternative sources of advice in relation to the matters covered in any AIP Code of Practice or Guideline that is withdrawn. However, AIP does not endorse these sources nor accept any responsibility for the information provided. Stakeholders should satisfy themselves as to the reliability and accuracy of any materials provided by these sources and seek professional advice.