Representing Australia's Downstream Petroleum Industry

AIP and its member companies publish comprehensive market prices on a daily and weekly basis.

This AIP data covers international, State/Territory, regional and town prices and AIP member company websites also publish wholesale (terminal gate) prices at fuel terminals across the country.

This represents a significant commitment by AIP and its member companies to the highest levels of market transparency in Australia.

AIP also publishes a wide range of factual information on fuel prices to assists market analysts, commentators and the community more broadly to follow and understand the key market factors and prices influencing pump prices in Australia.

This data and information has consistently shown that Australian pump prices closely follow international (Singapore) fuel prices which, together with Government taxes, makes up around 85% of the pump price.

This conclusion is also confirmed in published reports by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), which monitors under law the prices, costs and profits relating to the supply of fuel in Australia – see here.